
Other very popular uses for a computer are creating graphics, animation, interactive elements, video and audio. Nowadays there are many programs that help you immensely in creating one or nearly all of these things. Depending on what programs you want to use and what you want to create, your computer may need certain components to be higher-end in order to run properly.

Since most of the multimedia uses for a computer are graphical, you will need a good graphics card to render those graphics you will make properly. A higher-end CPU and RAM will also be needed to allow your computer to handle more graphics and animation you may need to add. A large hard drive will allow you to save huge graphic and animation files that you will make. Animation and 3D graphics will need these thing especially in order to run smoothly.

2D graphics and audio are less performance intensive for the most part but you should still consider getting a good CPU, RAM, graphics card, and sound card (for audio) with a large hard drive. If you want more focus on audio, focus on getting a good audio card and sound system to do audio testing.

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I will like to post about a computer I found today.